Animated Online Streaming Entertainment PowerPoint Template

Animated Online streaming entertainment PowerPoint template

Online streaming has been replacing conventional modes of entertainment in recent years. This is why even gaming consoles come with integration for services like Netflix and options to stream media through connected devices.  Unlike conventional templates with an entertainment theme, the Animated Online Streaming Entertainment PowerPoint Template covers different modes of streaming entertainment options such …

Best Six Hat Thinking PowerPoint Templates

The six thinking hats technique offers a creative thinking tool for managers  to solve problems and think differently while taking decisions, in meetings or even while making or executing plans. The model was introduced by Edward de Bono and it offers a powerful tool for brainstorming ideas and help during innovation process. You can break down your thoughts into six parallel areas …

Key Differences Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication

Good communication is one of the foundations of every successful organization. And when faced with a major challenge like a pandemic that forces us to work more remotely, communication within your team must adjust accordingly to keep with the times and keep your members efficient and productive. Recently, the buzzwords “synchronous” and “asynchronous” communication have …