
Decorate your presentations with awesome animations for PowerPoint including videos and animated cliparts. Learn how to animate your slides with built-in PowerPoint animation effects and make awesome PowerPoint presentations delighting your audience.

How To Record a PowerPoint Presentation

The art of communication has transcended traditional boundaries, paving the way for innovative methods to share knowledge and ideas. Among these, recorded presentations have emerged as a powerful tool for online events, webinars but also for offline conferences, kiosks, and more, allowing for information to be disseminated widely and efficiently. This article delves into the …

13+ Different Uses for PowerPoint (more than just presentations)

Microsoft’s PowerPoint, a component of the Office Suite, is a commercial application widely adopted by diverse sectors, including religious, corporate, and educational entities, for delivering visual presentations. By utilizing animations, graphics, and text, this software enables users to create dynamic and informative slides, typically projected on screens for various educational, training, or business presentations. Moreover, …

How to Add a GIFAnimation into PowerPoint

How to Put a Gif in PowerPoint

It is possible to find lot of different GIF animations including avatars, characters, and different business situations. GIF was an image format widely adopted time ago and it is still used, however there are some modern ways to make animations in PowerPoint. However, it is possible to find lot of animated GIF cliparts available for …

Animation Painter in PowerPoint

Animation Painter is an interesting feature available in PowerPoint that helps us to copy and paste animation styles to other objects. This works pretty similar to Format Painter but for animations instead and can be really useful if you need to copy animations along different objects on the same slide or other slides. The functionality …