
10 Best PowerPoint Templates for Presentations on Digital Marketing

An extended term of Digital Marketing covers all of your online marketing endeavors. To support businesses, digital channels such as social media, email, search engines, and respective websites play their roles to connect with their prevailing and proposed consumers. It is an umbrella term for marketing products or services using digital technologies. It also includes Internet, mobile phones, …

Guide to Digital Marketing and Best Digital Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Digital Marketing and best digital marketing PowerPoint templates

Many conventional modes of marketing are fast becoming obsolete. From newspapers, direct mail, postcards, brochures, and flyers to door-to-door sales, demos, and events, all have now hit a snag. While conventional marketing methods were already suffering in the wake of digital marketing, COVID-19 has further changed the marketing landscape by making it impossible for businesses …

Best Behavioral Economics Marketing Strategies and Presentation Ideas

Loss Aversion

Sometimes, the price of a product isn’t as low as perceived by the consumer. However, certain connotations such as using psychological pricing (e.g., $0.99) can shift consumer preference in an irrational way towards a product. Understanding this behavior requires understanding how people think and behave, regardless of what might appear rational. This is best understood …

10+ Best Creative PowerPoint Templates for Marketing Presentations

Preparing a marketing presentation can be challenging, especially when we need to combine complex information involving multiple sources of data. This could include target sales figures and statistics. At the same time, we want our presentation to be visually-attractive in order to engage the audience and avoid Death by PowerPoint. This work can be streamlined …