PowerPoint Tips

How To Activate Laser Pointer in PowerPoint 2016

Recent editions of PowerPoint, like PowerPoint 2013 and PowerPoint 2016 provide many interesting options for presenters to help them emphasize different parts of their presentations, and one of them is the laser pointer. In this post we will show you how to activate the laser pointer in PowerPoint 2016.

What is PowerPoint Designer?

When I switched from PowerPoint 2013 to PowerPoint 2016, I could instantly feel the difference. Not only is the latest edition of PowerPoint smoother in functionality than its predecessor but has some of the most amazing features hidden discretely, and one of them is PowerPoint Designer.

9 PowerPoint Myths Proved Wrong

There was a time when I thought that PowerPoint was an awesome presentation tool, then I got a bit bored with it. It was only when I turned to technology blogging that I realized there were so many plugins, third-party apps and hidden features that made PowerPoint that much more powerful. Since everyone’s job description …