
Download free presentation software and PowerPoint addins for presentations that can help you to make stunning and amazing PowerPoint slide designs.

Difference Between PPT and PPTX File Formats


Back in the day, Microsoft PowerPoint used the PPT format which is still available even for newer PowerPoint versions. Since PowerPoint 2007 and beyond, the newer PPTX version has been widely used for saving PowerPoint presentations. If you’re confused about the difference between the two formats, see our list of differences between the two formats …

How to Take Screenshots with PowerPoint (2024)

For many people, taking screenshots may seem like an easy, straightforward thing. You just capture what’s on your screen and you’re done. For those who have to take screenshots off their screens, specifically of their PowerPoint presentations on a daily basis, this can be so much more complex using third-party apps. However, what you may …

How To Change Slide Orientation in PowerPoint

PowerPoint has introduced some very fine presentation features, including the support for Widescreen presentations. In a previous post we discussed Widescreen support in PowerPoint and also provided some Widescreen PowerPoint Templates. In this article, we will show you how to change the orientation of your PowerPoint slides and the various methods by which you can …

Create Brand Slides in PowerPoint with Brand.ai

Create Brand Oriented Slides

When it comes to branding, it’s important that you remain consistent and prevalent in all the materials you churn out. From brochures to company profiles, and even in your inter-company correspondence, branding is important. In PowerPoint presentation, even more so. PowerPoint presentations are effective tools in conveying information within your company as well as to …

How To Make Infographics in PowerPoint

Creating Infographics is a concise yet highly informative way of conveying your message to your audience. Through infographics, you can tell an otherwise lengthy process, story, history, and comparison in one page. However, creating infographics using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe AfterEffects, or even Adobe PowerPoint can be a time-consuming and meticulous process.  Anyone who would want …