Animated Design Your Words PowerPoint Template

If you want to give out a subliminal message to your audience or wish to emphasize the need for a specific call to action, you might want to use a presentation template that can help make your message stand out. Animated Design Your Words PowerPoint Template is a presentation template which gives a word cloud layouts to help you deliver your message in a powerful way.


Editable Word Cloud Slides

The slides in this animated template come with an editable word cloud which you can use to deliver your message. There is a single word highlighted in blue color, in white text, with various words surrounding it. The word cloud can be edited to add your own words and to change the font and style of the words in the cloud.


Send a Subliminal Message to Your Audience

In case you’re wondering how such a theme can help you make an impact, the answer is simple. Say, you are making a presentation about a project proposal, you can add all the potential problems associated with a common problem that your proposal tends to address. For example, if you are pitching an app for a smartphone that you intend to make for a client, you can create a word cloud with all associated problems listed in the cloud. Similarly, you can create a slide with various solutions listed in the form of a word cloud that your app can offer.


The template has some basic designs that you can choose from and build your slide deck from there on. The title side comes with an animated and static version, so you can choose which one to use for your opening slide. Both come with an editable word cloud, just like other slides in the template.


Design Your Words is an elegantly crafted slide deck, which offers something unique within a minimalist layout which can help you leave a positive impact on your audience.

Go to Presenter Media – Animated Design Your Words PowerPoint Template (Standard)

Go to Presenter Media – Animated Design Your Words PowerPoint Template (Widescreen)

About Farshad

IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!

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