Ux Design

Keynote Prototoyping Bundle V3.0

Keynotopia Keynote Prototoyping Bundle v 3.0 is a set of prototyping presentation templates for Keynote and PowerPoint that you can download for prototyping tasks. You can choose between different bundle options depending on your needs. Here we will help you to decide which one is the best one for your UX design process using PowerPoint …

Mockups with Twitter Bootstrap UI

Making mockups is ever easier with Twitter Bootstrap UI that the people of Keynotopia prepared in the free Twitter Bootstrap GUI for PowerPoint (.ppt), Keynote (.key) and LibreOffice (.odp) Free Twitter Bootstrap UI Mockup Templates lets you prototype Bootstrap-based apps using a presentation editor. This can help to boost your UX Design process and prototyping …

Using PowerPoint for UX Design

UX design involves a lot of prototyping and when prototypes are needed then prototype tools can be used to enhance this job. Usually prototyping involves sketches in paper but also some other good tools like PowerPoint Visio, Balsamiq, Pencil as well as other available tools and applications in the market to make prototypes and mockups. …