
Review on Negotiation Methods

The process by which people settle their differences is Negotiation. It’s a dialogue between one or more parties by which agreement or compromising is reached while evading any argumentation. It mainly occurs in personal situations, between nations, legal proceedings, Government branches, nonprofit organizations and business enterprises. In order to makes sure that you are getting …

90 10 Principle

90/10 Principle, are you familiar with this? Perhaps, but if you are familiar can you correlate it to your daily life? Is it happening to you as well? Before discussing its implications let’s have a short discussion on, what actually 90/10 principle is? What does it imply and what is so special about it? According …

The Seven S Model in PowerPoint 2010

McKinsey 7S model is a business diagram that involves seven interdependent factors which are categorized as either “hard” or “soft” elements. The seven elements in a 7S model includes: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style, Staff. Hard elements are easier to define or identify and management can directly influence them. These are strategy statements; organization charts and reporting lines; and formal processes …