Free College Budget Template for Excel

Last updated on May 5th, 2024

If you need to estimate your your monthly college expenses and determine what you can afford then you can download this free college budget template for Excel. This free Excel template for college budget analysis can be used to generate charts that show what percentage of income is being spent, and expenses incurred by category.

You can use this template for college if you need to estimate your income and expenses during the college year. This template is great to be used as part of a college financial plan when you need to calculate the monthly budget amount. For instance, auto expense that is billed every six months would be converted to monthly by dividing the six month premium by six.

On the left of the worksheet or spreadsheet template for Excel you can enter where the money is coming in and the income and expenses. Then you will see the total balance and then where the money is going out (by category, for example Housing, transportation, food, etc.).

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