Learn what are the most popular tools to make Online Presentations using PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi or download free templates for presentations with high quality graphics and diagram designs.
PowerPoint being one of the most famous presentation applications in the world has lacked support for mobile devices, until now. In recent years we have not only seen a rise in quality mobile apps that provide editing and viewing support for PowerPoint files but even Microsoft has now officially released mobile and web apps that …
One of the biggest challenges that presenters face when working with PowerPoint is the need to drag and adjust slide elements without messing up the slide design. Most people don’t have an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of a good design and therefore they can be confused about how to fashion slides which might appear …
Many bloggers, social media marketing experts and even business professionals are now expected to create some type of graphics, even if they have no professional experience in working with graphic design tools. This is because a number of easy-to-use design tools have made it easy to create everything from business diagrams to banner for blog …
For many people it might sound like a strange question, however, many beginners still find it a bit confusing to understand what a presentation is. This not only includes students learning about the art of presenting their ideas but also people across various cultures who find the concept alien. For example, if you ask an …
Tiki Toki is a web based timeline maker which enables creating beautiful timelines using text, videos and images. Tiki Toki supports fetching web based content via URL (including YouTube and Vimeo), which makes it possible to easily insert images and videos to create interactive, sharable timelines.
Many presentation professionals struggle with putting their vision into reality. Their creativity may know no bounds, but it all becomes a source of frustration when they can’t translate it clearly and accurately in their presentations and communications materials. Knovio is an advanced tool that you can use to create video presentations.
WeTransfer is a name that needs no introduction. Most people know WeTransfer for providing a fast and easy way of sharing large files online. However, there are a number of other web apps offered by the same developer, which provide a number of useful functions that can make your everyday office tasks easier. One such …
When creating presentations, it’s always a challenge to maintain that delicate balance of information and entertainment. You have something important that you want to say or you may want to persuade your audience to a different way of thinking. You may also want them to act on something, like buy a product or sign up …
Presenters are faced with many challenges to their presentations, the biggest of which is a distracted audience. It’s not hard to be distracted, however, because people today have such shorter attention spans and are distracted by their mobile phones, primarily. Therefore, presenters have to be extra creative, not only with their slideshows, but also with …
These days, presentations are all about creativity. While information and message should still be at the forefront, but many presentation software nowadays are fighting for who can present the information in the most creative way possible. This is where things can easily go wrong, however. As many presentation tools strive to be creative, the message risks …