
Find Job Opportunities Related To Creative Work At Coroflot

Many freelancers use crowdsourcing websites like ODesk and Elance, which provide a diverse range of jobsĀ opportunitiesĀ from various employers willing to outsource their work. However, some websites exclusively concentrate on a specific market niche where freelancers and employers are given the chance to interact and do business related to a precise line of work. If you …

Creative Ideas About Closing Remarks for PowerPoint Presentations

For an effective presentation it is vital to have a great opening and closing because that proves your presentation skills. Your ending could be humorous, motivational, challenging, respectful, thoughtful depends on your presentation topic. It is said that your audience would definitely remember ending of your presentation as they have heard it last. Also, the …

Artistic Effects in PowerPoint 2010

You can apply artistic effects to a picture or a picture fill to make the picture look more like a sketch, drawing, or painting. PowerPoint 2010 has a nice feature to apply artistic effects to your images. To add Artistic Effects in PowerPoint 2010 you can use the Artistic Effect gallery that is under Format …

Static & Animated Avatars for PowerPoint Presentations

Talking avatars for PowerPoint presentations can help to make more dynamic and familiar presentations. There are many different places where we can download free avatars and characters for presentations. Business Characters for Presentations From Vector Characters you can download free vector characters for business presentations. The collection includes different free sets of vector characters for …

How to make a Persuasion Map Template in PowerPoint

Persuasion is the influence of beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors. Accordingly to Wikipedia, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person’s attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person, by using written or spoken words to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or a combination of them. It is widely adopted …

Creating Custom Shapes in PowerPoint

PowerPoint has a great collection of shapes that you can freely use in any PowerPoint .ppt presentation. But sometimes these shapes are not enough for our presentations. You may be wondering why there are some nice premium PowerPoint templates that offer great shapes. Well, usually the professional designers create their own custom shapes in PowerPoint …