Searching through a database or search engine can often be frustrating. Finding what you’re looking for can take an endless string of queries with no fruitful results. You might have failed to find a relevant result after a laborious search, only to find what you’re looking for days later while performing a curious search with …
Lines are very useful to design diagrams, charts or just remark some ideas. You can also use lines to separate concepts or content in your presentation slide or you can also make awesome arrows with lines. In PowerPoint you can insert lines easily using shapes. To insert a line in PowerPoint just need to go …
In the early days of electronic mail, nowadays more known as email, the technology was used primarily for business communication. Today, email is widely used as one of the main forms of communication among organizations, employees, clients, customers, friends, family, and the general public. Nowadays emails have many features, such as those offered by Microsoft Outlook. Through …
Attaching a connector to any shape is possible if you use anchors. This is a powerful feature available in major versions of Microsoft PowerPoint. By using connectors and anchor points in the shapes we can make robust diagrams and when you need to modify your layout and move some objects around, the connectors that are …
Reroute Connectors is a feature available in PowerPoint that helps to find the shortest path between two connected objects with lines. Having the line selected (once it is connected between objects or shapes) you can click on Reroute Connector to automatically reroute the lines finding the shortest path. In this example we have used different …
Connecting arrows in PowerPoint 2010 can be challenging for anyone newbie who need to make graphs or diagrams. While connecting shapes is much easier since each shape has its own anchor points, connecting single arrows together can be challenging in advance. But earlier we talked about how to connect lines in PowerPoint in the article …
Shapes in PowerPoint are fabulous also to create flow diagrams in PowerPoint. Here we will see how we can create attractive flow diagrams using shapes in PowerPoint. These flow diagrams can be used for different purposes, including business presentations but also engineering or software development. You can design your own flow diagrams in PowerPoint using shapes. In …
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