Add voice to your presentations using Hello Slide
Hello Slide is an awesome platform where you can upload and share presentations online (currently only PDF is supported but you can convert PPT to PDF easily) and then you can add audio to your slides. This is great for presenters who need to automate the task of preparing their audio presentations and add voice to your presentations.
Either for academic purposes or business presentations you can use Hello Slide to enhance your presentations with audio and automate the task of presenting slides to an audience. This have some notorious benefits for the presenter, you can prepare the presentations (including voice & audio) in advance, but you can avoid mistakes since the audio is synthesized automatically.
The addition of spoken text to the slides is great for any presenter. Until now you had to record your voice on every presentation, and you can do that using presentation tools like PowerPoint, but using Hello Slide the audio is embedded automatically after converting it from a text version, so you just need to enter what you want the slides to say and that’s all. This is great since you can prepare your audio presentations in silent mode. The platform allows you to type the speech you want to hear and then will add the voice automatically to the presentation.
Accordingly to the about page, HelloSlide was created to close the gap between slides and video. The platform can be used for education purposes or as a e-learning platform for lectures and teachers who need to make presentations with audio but also for business presentations.
Learn more in Hello Slide