Keys to an Effective PowerPoint Presentation

Last updated on September 9th, 2023

Keys to an Effective PowerPoint Presentation

Can you imagine the condition of those people who think sitting on electric chair is much better than sitting in an PowerPoint presentation? Yes, this is a fact. Presentations are being so badly constructed that it fails to create interest among audience.

Undoubtedly, presentation is being a demand of today’s world regardless of field. For instance, no matter if you are student, professional or an entrepreneur, you have to give presentation. Yes, the attempts may reduce however. If a professional give presentation for 3 times a week a student may required to give for just once a week or perhaps once in a month.

So, you must have presentation skills and you must know how to give an effective presentation. Here we are discussing few keys to an effective PowerPoint presentation:

1. Have a point and stick to it

Select a point that can put power to your PowerPoint presentation and help you to keep people attentive throughout your presentation. Remember, whatever you are saying, should be worthy for audience not for presenter. While choosing script or material for your PowerPoint, think from audience point of view. For giving central idea of your presentation you may say ” Today you will get a lot of information about ( your topic/ or any other point you want to tell your audience)”.  This will help your audience to listen to you keenly.

2. Create an outline

After giving an idea to your audience about your topic, you need to stick to it throughout your presentation. Your every slide must contain information about this only, whether in the form of text, pictures, graphics and so on. Working on your presentation structure or outline will help audience to understand your point and to retain it.

3. Highlight benefits

Whatever topic you are discussing in your presentation, don’t forget to highlight its benefits from individual point of view. It’s been a tendency to retain only such things that are of their use only. Thus, try some points which imply how it is benefit for them. For highlighting benefits, sometimes it help to use the pre-designed slide designs that have many different variants highlighting each step.

4. Use significant and Powerful images

Visuals influence people a lot, so use visuals which stir up the emotions of your audience. These days almost everyone complains for dry and poorly crafted presentations and images are the big reason behind this. Thus, you need to be very careful while choosing images you are putting into your presentation to make it interesting and useful. Aside of images, you can use simple slides and illustrations in PowerPoint to deliver a message, for example showing a quote would also help in some situations. You can use images in the background of the presentation or a simple quote slide design instead.

5. Ask great questions

This is another important key to make to make your presentation interesting, ask useful and significant questions to your audience and if possible, let your audience leave with a question and provide them a hint or link to search about that. And do provide them a message to retain with them. The Q&A slide designs are useful in this case, where you can replace text placeholders and prepare your Questions and Answers slides without hassle.

So, these are few keys to an effective presentation, if implemented properly can make you a great presenter to give the killer presentation the audience is expecting for.

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