What do you do after downloading our free PowerPoint templates?

Maybe you noticed that we claim to have free PowerPoint templates but surprising after downloading our templates you will be shocked why the files are saved as .ppt files instead of .pot or .thmx? .thmx is the new extension for PowerPoint Themes since PowerPoint 2007 and 2010.

bar code template powerpoint

The reason is simple, most people still refer to PowerPoint files as .ppt regardless if they are interested to find templates or not, and when we started with this website we used .ppt so we wanted to keep it consistently.

However, you may be wondering how to keep our free PPT templates available for future use in your computer.

Recently Steve Hards published a great article in his blog FreePPTResources explaining how to do this. You can refer to Free PowerPoint Templates – What to do after downloading, in order to learn how to save free PowerPoint templates as themes in your computer for future use taking advantage of PowerPoint Theme Gallery and documents Theme folder.