
Preseria: An Online Meeting and Presentation Application

Online Meeting and Presentation with Preseria

Meetings and presentations both have a notorious reputation for being dull and therefore counter-productive. This is probably due to a mix of different factors, one of which involves how meetings are organized and moderated. Then, there’s the fact that meetings are often boring and dragging, with the same issues lengthened, the time allotted not fully …

Conduct Corporate Video Conferences With Lync App For iPhone And iPad

Microsoft Lync is a famous application from the Microsoft Office suite which provides some very impressive video conferencing features. Interestingly, Microsoft Lync is not just restricted to Microsoft products like Windows based operating systems, Windows 8 tablets or Windows Phone, but is also available for competitor devices; including Mac, Android, iPhone and iPad. Unlike common …

Personify: Deliver Online Presentations As If You Are Really There

Over the years presentations have extended their functionality from the real world to the virtual world. This means that people are increasingly focusing on virtual presentations that can be delivered via the internet, either real-time or in recorded format. However, an online presentation can often be deprived of the necessary body language and persuasive gestures …