Nightfall PowerPoint Template

Dark doesn’t have to be dull, nor somber. Dark-colored PowerPoint presentations offer an air of mystery and sophistication. Add geometric lines and you have something modern, powerful, and eye-catching.


The Nightfall PowerPoint Template features a solid black background framed by a subtle gradient of blue on the top and bottom of the slide. To further add an interestingly modern touch, there are geometric lines around the slide, further serving as a border to the content in the center. The text is in bright yellow and solid white, which excellently sets off the dark background and makes your content easily readable for your audience.

Professionally Designed Slides

This Nightfall PowerPoint Template also has predesigned layout options that can give you plenty of choices for creating your own presentation. The template’s various layouts allows you to add lists, images, tables, charts, graphs, and even compare data or images side by side. Simply click on New Slide on the Home menu to select the slides that you need. You can also duplicate and rearrange the slides so that your presentation will look organized and cohesive. With this free template, you can be sure that whatever slide you use, your whole presentation will come out looking completely stunning.


Handy Template for All Your Needs

This template is a great go-to template to keep handy because it allows you to create professional-looking presentations in just a few minutes, compared to starting one from scratch. Its nightfall effect is perfect for engineering, digital, mobile, programming, architecture, design, and even the clubbing and hospitality industries. It has a dark background and geometric shapes that makes it easily compatible with many presentation topics. Furthermore, it can also be easily customized due to its versatility.


Anyone can use this free template, whether they are beginner or advanced PowerPoint users. There are guides to help you as you complete each slide.

Go to Download Nightfall PowerPoint Template

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