LibreOffice Impress 3.5

Last updated on April 29th, 2024

LibreOffice Impress 3.5 was introduced recently with the new release with lot of new features and enhanced PowerPoint import functionality.

LibreOffice Impress is a truly outstanding tool for creating effective multimedia presentations and allow to work with Microsoft PowerPoint files as well as other presentation file format. Your Impress presentations can be enhanced with 2D and 3D cliparts available for free download as well as special effects and transition styles, animations, and high-impact drawing tools. Also you can use our free PowerPoint templates as Impress presentation templates.

LibreOffice Impress 3.5

Master pages are like PowerPoint templates and simplify the task of preparing your materials and being reused in the future. By using Master pages in LibreOffice Impress you can save even more time by downloading templates from the LibreOffice template repository.

While you’re building your presentation, you can look at your slides in different viewing modes as in PowerPoint (Slide Sorter view, Master view, etc), to fit the task you’re currently doing: Normal (for general editing), Outline (for organizing and outlining your text content like in PowerPoint), Notes view (for viewing and editing the notes attached to a slide), Handouts (for producing paper-based material), and Slide Sorter (for a thumbnail sheet view that lets you quickly locate and order your slides).

LibreOffice 3.5 comes with other productivity packages for the office, including Base, Draw, Math, Calc, Writer and is a good and free PowerPoint alternative for free download.

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