Free Time For Action Template for PowerPoint

Last updated on May 6th, 2024

If you want to make a statement with your presentation, you can use the Free Time For Action Template For PowerPoint. This video template for PowerPoint presentation is a professionally designed template that displays a close-up look of a clock with time ticking quickly. This template can be used for presentation where you have to call your staff or personnel to act quickly before a certain time period runs out. This free video PowerPoint template can also be used for presentations where you are emphasizing a deadline.


Professionally Designed

The Free Time for Action Template for PowerPoint is designed to look professional so your audience will surely take you seriously with your presentation. The background has a metallic style to it to match the idea of a watch. The background is in silver with gradients to give it more depth. The picture of the clock is in close up to really emphasize the importance of ‘Time’ in your presentation. When you go into slideshow mode, you can see that the “second” hand of the clock moves as you go with your presentation.


Clear Instructions For Novice And Intermediate Users

The Free Time Action Template is suitable for beginner or advanced users. However, it is best for intermediate users. The set of instructions are available in the Notes Pane. There are instructions for reproducing the video effects of the slide.

You can also customize and reproduce the text effects to fit your presentation and customize it to your subject. There is a set of instructions for reproducing the Master Layout video effects of the slide and for reproducing the Master Layout background effects as well. You can follow these steps to recreate your own call-to-action PowerPoint presentation or to modify this template to suit your theme or your presentation topic.

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To download this Free Time Action Template for PowerPoint, go to Unfortunately, after checking this content was removed from in a recent update.

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