Microsoft Office

How to Make a Table of Equations in Word

Insert Caption for Equations

If you’re writing a research paper or a thesis, or any technical paper, your document may have several equations that you need to organize. After all, when it comes to this kind of writing, you must be organized, and this also means including references and, in the case of online formats, clickable links. Therefore, it’s …

How to Add References for Numbered Lists in Word

Set up Cross Reference Feature

Microsoft Word has rolled out many different features to address the changing needs of its users over the years. From students to professors to technical writers and across all industries, Word has been widely used for many word-processing applications. Now, with a cross-referencing feature that allows you to link numbered lists in Word, you can …

How to Analyze Data Quickly in Excel

See Automatic Preview of Selection

Over the years, Excel has been widely used for collecting, documenting, and analyzing data. It has undergone many changes and improvements over time, adding different features that are relevant to the demands of today. With Big Data as one of the many important things businesses and organizations rely on to make sound plans and decisions, …

OneNote Mind Map Tools

OneNote Mind Map Tools

Making mind maps is an effective strategy for you to sort out your ideas and really make sense out of your thoughts. This technique is widely used in conceptualizing ideas important in product development, business start-ups, writing, advertising, and even in school. To help you with this, you can go the traditional route and use …