Planning the future of your business involves answering critical questions like, “Where do you envision your business in the next five years?” and “What path will it take to get there?”. Crafting a comprehensive business plan is a crucial step in this journey, as it not only outlines your business’s vision and goals but also …
Whenever a project starts, it passes from various stages and processes until it gets completed. There are many stakeholders of a project in the arena of the business world. The project manager tries to incorporate all of the relevant and beneficial suggestions, steps, and methodologies to get the desired results. But how can the project …
Project managers use a variety of tools to manage projects. One of the most commonly used tools is the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). If you are managing a project of any significant scale, the chances are you would need to create a Work Breakdown Structure. But what is Work Breakdown Strture when it comes to …
Every enterprise, regardless of size, age, or industry, requires a robust strategy to achieve its organizational objectives. A business strategy lies at the core of strategic management – the process that propels the organization towards growth. It serves as a roadmap, guiding the company’s major initiatives taken by top-tier management, driving resources allocation, and determining …
When you’re pitching to a potential investor or want to present a plan for a project before a client, you might need to make a slide deck which lists down your project plan. The Free Project Plan PowerPoint Template gives a step by step guide to help you make a project plan with all the …
The old assembly line model divides tasks between people and organizational units, where everyone has a specialized task. Different units of the organization are so focused on their part of the job that eventually they might simply end up handing off their part of the product to the next group to assemble further. While specialization …
The scope of a project determines the work required for the project. However, the scope of the project can often go off-track, with additional demands, plans and features creeping into the project over its life-cycle. This scope creep can ruin projects, result in cost overruns and even lead to the failure of the project.
Trello is a a popular project management tool. Trello uses the Kanban approach for visualizing workflow, with Kanban boards, cards and lists making Trello easy to use for managing projects. GoodGantt is an extension for Trello which helps convert Trello boards into Gantt charts.
Whether you are overseeing big or small projects, it is still important to let your bosses and subordinates know about your project status. A Project Status Report is important so that everyone involved and making decisions regarding the project can be abreast with what is actually happening and if the project is sticking close to …
When it comes to presentations, as with any other visual medium, the trend is often inclined towards sleek lines and high contrasts. This is especially true in infographics or print ads, where the form and function must work together to deliver the message across in the shortest and most effective way possible. This is why …