Office 2016

Office 365: An In-depth Review By

Despite having the most famous set of Office applications, Microsoft’s cloud based Office suite took a long time to materialize. Unlike Google Drive, which has its origins nearly a decade back, Office 365 was released in 2011. While Microsoft might have been late to the party, the expansion of the cloud based suite has been quite remarkable. …

Facebook Ads Manager For Excel

Whether you’re a social media marketing specialist or a business owner, you know just how social media especially Facebook has transformed the advertising landscape. Today, creating Facebook ads can generate great value for your company, making your efforts highly measurable and conversion instant. And Facebook has picked up on that, unveiling its Facebook Ads Manager for …

What is a Macro?

You might have downloaded an Office template and received a prompt to enable macros. You might also have noticed that the prompt also comes with a warning that enabling macros can be harmful for your computer. But macros aren’t exclusive to Microsoft Office files, as a macros are widely used by programmers around the world …

What is The Office Store?

A lot of what Microsoft sells usually entails software. This means that you don’t necessarily need to physically visit a store to purchase the product. For example, you can subscribe for an Office 365 account and download Office via the web or pay and upgrade to the latest edition of Windows without purchasing a DVD. …