Business Analysis Tools

Chart Analysis Tools in PowerPoint

Chart analysis is good to use in mainly showing the distance between high and low points as well as make predictions on increase and decreasing values over a period. In this tutorial we’ll explore what the Analysis Tools in PowerPoint’s Chart Tools section does. To start you will need a 2D bar or line chart. …

How to Analyze Data Quickly in Excel

See Automatic Preview of Selection

Over the years, Excel has been widely used for collecting, documenting, and analyzing data. It has undergone many changes and improvements over time, adding different features that are relevant to the demands of today. With Big Data as one of the many important things businesses and organizations rely on to make sound plans and decisions, …

Analyze Data and Simplify Calculations in Excel with Analystix

Calculate for Cumulative Average Annual Growth

In today’s changing business landscape, the role of people in finance has also changed. Not only are they in charge of sole bookkeeping and watching out for the bottom line. They are also expected to watch out for trends and analyze insights that can help in guiding the business. By doing this, financial analysts and …

How To Make Better Business Decisions Using Excel 2016 Charts

Decision-making is one of the trickiest parts of running a business. One wrong move and you can send your company down the drain or risk your brand’s image. When it comes to running a company or a business, you are not only thinking and deciding for yourself. You’re also deciding for your whole organization. You hold …