
Using Zoho Viewer to View Excel Spreadsheets Online

Zoho Sheets is a free online service that you can use to create and edit spreadsheets. This is part of the Zoho suite of programs and it is a free alternative to other spreadsheets including the popular MS Office Excel. Zoho Sheets lets you open Excel files online easily and you can import the existing …

Treemap Visualization

A treemap is a type of visualization that helps to see the trees behind the forest. Treemaps display hierarchical information in a series of clustered rectangles, which together represent a whole. The size of each box represents a quantity and usually are represented with colors in order to add another dimension or to represent any number of values, …

Mastering Tables in PowerPoint

PowerPoint has some excellent table capabilities that you can use to embed tables in your slides. By default, when you create a table using the standard way, the table will be static. If you need to edit it, then you need to edit the cells individually or in groups, but there are other ways to …