Preparing a Multi Language PowerPoint Presentation

If you are a global presenter requiring to present PowerPoint in different languages, then you may be interested to find a way to prepare multilanguage PowerPoint presentations.

Preparing a Multi Language PowerPoint Presentation

1. Save each presentation using a language code suffix

Maybe the simplest method to prepare a Multilanguage presentation is to save a different presentation file depending on the language. To organize the presentations in your hard disk you can use a language code suffix for the file name. For example, if your business.ppt presentation should be translated to Spanish then you can save it as business_es-ES.ppt for the Spain locale. On the other side, if you need to prepare a business presentation for Spanish but with a different locale you can change it to Argentina as follows business_es-AR.ppt

Then, you can translate the content for each file while keeping the source file intact (let’s say business.ppt is the original file in English).

2. Use PowerPoint sections to separate each presentations (PowerPoint in PowerPoint).

Another good approach could be using Sections in PowerPoint. Sections in PowerPoint let you organize the content and slides into different sections and then treat the slides under a given section as a whole.

In a previous article we showed you how to use a VBA code and Macro to move or go to a section in PowerPoint. You can use this approach plus the section organization in PowerPoint to translate the content for each language. So, for example if you need to translate a PowerPoint presentation from English to Spanish then you can use translation services that create all the same slides under a Spanish section.

3. Enable Subtitles and Captioning in PowerPoint

The newest versions of PowerPoint comes with a subtitles feature that will help making presentations more accessible for a global audience. Using the subtitles AI-powered feature by PowerPoint, you can convert PowerPoint into a great presentation translator. The presenter can speak in a language and let PowerPoint translate the speech to any other language. Here you can learn how to enable subtitles in PowerPoint.

Lastly, preparing a simple language PowerPoint template to be used as a base is also a good idea, then you can use the language template in PowerPoint for each presentation. You can download free PPT templates and backgrounds for your slides from

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