Using PowerPoint Presentations in Higher Education

21st century, a modernized era has put forth a new revolution in every field, including education which didn’t remain untouched with these technological advancements leading to betterment. PowerPoint has managed to bring about a new revolution at every level of education starting from elementary schools and ranging upto higher education. Further, Classrooms are being equipped …

7 Sins of PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint Presentation is simple to update, quick to produce, and useful to grab user attention. On the other hand, sometimes even the experienced presenter could encounter awful situations. Have you been asked to give a PowerPoint presentation for the first time? The answer to an effective presentation is to avoid the “7 deadly sins”. PowerPoint …

How to Lose Stage Fear during PowerPoint Presentations

Many people have been experimented stage fear while delivering a presentation.  But the important part is how you manage to overcome your stage freight. Some people manage to overcome the fears while others tend to spoil their presentation due to intemperance leading to further degradation of their fragile self-confidence. Major causes behind stage fear Inadequate …

All New Online Presentation Technique WEBINAR Enhancing your Business

Technology has made a huge difference in modern world. People are making continuous efforts for exploring new methods to deliver effective presentations. But, what should be your main focus while extending a presentation? Audience. Your audience plays a vital role in a presentation. After all, it is only them who will ultimately be benefitted by your …