Lorem Ipsum Generators

Lorem Ipsum strings can be very useful when we need to display text in a space. We already commented about Lorem Ipsum PowerPoint templates and how to generate random text. You can generate full paragraphs of lorem ipsum text by using the generators. Recall that PowerPoint also have a built in function that will generate a lorem ipsum paragraph for you. You can use =lorem() or =random() instead.

Here are just a free online alternatives and tools that we can use to copy and paste lorem ipsum text strings.

Bacom Ipsum

This is an original variant for random text generator.

This will generate a sample paragraph like this one:

Aute meatball adipisicing sint ullamco ex. Pancetta id flank, eiusmod magna pastrami t-bone ham biltong bresaola ex. Officia est eiusmod, ball tip labore reprehenderit ullamco bresaola speck strip steak tongue meatball. Strip steak hamburger irure esse duis. Ut pork belly meatloaf magna, flank strip steak culpa speck beef kielbasa in commodo. Andouille drumstick shankle exercitation frankfurter. Fugiat drumstick deserunt, biltong nisi veniam dolore meatball exercitation aliqua non occaecat.

There is also a jQuery Plugin for Lorem Ipsum. Bacon Ipsum jQuery plugin uses the API to generate some meaty goodness.

The easiest way to use it is just to call the method with no options.

Curiously, this is also available as a free Lorem Ipsum app for Android where you can generate Lorem Ipsum strings, too.

Go to http://baconipsum.com/

Blindtextgenerator – Lorem Ipsum and Dummy text generator

This is another alternative that allows us to generate dummy text for our slides. You can add dummy text and control what to use, either Lorem ipsum string or Cicero or Li European lingues or far far away text. You can also control the number of words and characters. This is very convenient for example if we have a limited space and want to limit the count of words. Alternatively you can generate random text and paragraphs for HTML using the <p> paragraph tag.

Go to http://www.blindtextgenerator.com/lorem-ipsum

Other free alternatives: