How to Embed Prezi in PowerPoint

Last updated on April 29th, 2024

Prezis are great for making presentations with attractive zooming UIs, however, PowerPoint is more universally available. This might mean that you may have to present a presentation at an event without the Prezi desktop client. While you can always opt for the browser based version of Prezi, embedding Prezis in PowerPoint can give you more flexibility to use your PowerPoint slides and Prezi together. In this post we will show you how to embed Prezi in PowerPoint.

Install LiveSlides Add-in for PowerPoint

To get started, install the LiveSlides PowerPoint add-in and go to the Live Slides tab that will automatically appear once the add-in is installed.

Install LiveSlides to embed a Prezi presentation in PowerPoint

Enter Prezi URL

Click the Live Slide option and enter the Prezi URL. LiveSlides not only supports Prezis but all kinds of web content including webpages and videos from video streaming websites like YouTube and Vimeo.

Use LiveSlides to embed a Prezi presentation in PowerPoint

Run Your Slides as a SlideShow

Once you have entered the URL, your Prezi will be embedded to your PowerPoint slide. A message such as the one shown below will appear on the slide with the embedded Prezi. Simply run your slide in SlideShow mode to preview your Prezi.

Related article: 10 Best Zoomable Templates for Prezi

How to Embed a Prezi presentation in PowerPoint using LiveSlides

Seamlessly Present Prezis from PowerPoint

Using this method, you can add Prezis to individual PowerPoint slides and begin presenting them moment the respective slide appears onscreen in SlideShow mode. For example, say your Prezi is embedded on slide no 4; once you reach slide 4 in your presentation, you can begin presenting your Prezi. Basically, it’s just an embedded webpage running directly from your PowerPoint slide.

LiveSlides is available for both PowerPoint for WIndows and Mac. Once you go to the download page, the right version for your operating system will automatically become available for download.

Example of Prezi presentation in PowerPoint
Example of Prezi presentation in PowerPoint

In case you’re looking for an alternative method, you can also check out our review of the SlideDynamic add-in for PowerPoint. This add-in comes with a range of handy features including the option to embed Prezis in PowerPoint.

About Farshad

IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!

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