Useful PowerPoint presentation tips for better presentations

Useful PowerPoint presentation tips for better presentations

Here are a few tips that you may consider while designing your PowerPoint presentations. Sometimes, presentations can be boring and confusing so we will pay attention to make interesting and useful presentations but without going out of scope so people can understand what we are presenting and why not, enjoy it. Let’s see a few tools that you can use to make engaging and effective presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint.

1. Less is more

Avoid long paragraphs with chunks of text copy, small font face and messed graphics. Use Less is More concept. Keep it simple! If you can keep your presentation simpler then you will rock and roll. And people will remember it better. Learn from people who really know what were doing, like Steve Jobs with his memorable keynotes. You’d need to practice a lot and outline your presentation carefully in order to make it have sense. KISS principle is another interesting concept.

2. Get some inspiration from experts (and from not experts, too)

3. Use original PowerPoint templates for presentations

The built in templates from Office are widely adopted and sometimes overused. Try using original templates for PowerPoint like the free PowerPoint templates that you can download from

4. Use HD pictures for each individual slide

Sometimes using high definition or HQ High Quality images for PowerPoint can enhance your slides even more. This technique will allow you to create amazing PowerPoint presentations and catchy presentations in PowerPoint. There are free HD and HQ PowerPoint backgrounds available for this purpose.