
Last Slide in a PowerPoint Presentation

The last slide in a PowerPoint presentation is not less important than other slides. Moreover, usually, the last slide in a PowerPoint PPT presentation is the slide that remains the most time visible and the one that has more changes to remain in the memories of your audience. What is a Last Slide in a …

How to Write a Professional Resignation Letter

Professional Resignation Letter

While some people resign to pursue better career opportunities, others leave because of their dissatisfaction at the workplace. While one can be hasty or a bit careless in writing a resignation letter, it can have consequences for your future career prospects. Your resignation letter becomes a part of your professional file at your place of …

Beyond Bullet Points Book

Beyond Bullet Points – “Using Microsoft PowerPoint to Create Presentations That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire” is the name of this book that The book covers different topics but it is focused to explain the reader how to avoid boring, bullet-riddled slides and unlock the amazing story buried in your presentation. The communications expert Cliff Atkinson (author …