Excel 2019

How to Use the IF Function in Excel

budgeting application for if function

When you’re using Excel, it’s easy to be daunted by formula and function. This is especially true when you have just started using it for your data. However, once you get the hang of it, you will see how helpful Excel can be, especially when it comes to making sense out of a large amount …

How to Use the SMALL Function in Excel

small function example

For those who have been using Excel, you may already be familiar with the many functions that you can create in your spreadsheets. However, not everyone is as comfortable working with functions. Our blogs offer many tips to help you navigate Excel. This program may truly be daunting, but once you know how to make …

How to use IFNA Function in Excel

if function in excel example

There is the Excel IF function that creates True or False results. However, if there is an N/A error, there is another function that takes care of that. This is the IFNA function in Excel. In a previous post we showed you how to use the AND function. This time we will show you how …