Comparison Table

Learn how to use PowerPoint to make comparison tables and compare products, features and any other comparison need in PowerPoint presentations.

Venn Diagram Toolkit for PowerPoint

PresenterMedia introduced a great Venn Diagram Toolkit for PowerPoint presentations that you can download with a subscription to the service. This toolkit is a .PPT presentation containing 13 slides with unique Venn Diagram PowerPoint templates and designs that you can use to decorate your presentations. The Venn Diagram Toolkit for PowerPoint contains unique and very creative …

Comparison Table Layouts in PowerPoint

Comparison Table Layouts in PowerPoint

Sometimes you need to compare data and show this comparison easily to the audience. The final goal will be to have a visualization tool that help the audience to compare and explain what are the difference between two sets of data. PowerPoint comes with a comparison layout that helps you to show a comparison between …