How to Persuade Your Audience During a Presentation

Having the power of persuasion is like mastering a magic trick. It may seem hard to figure it out at first, but once you have it, you can awe your audience, and everyone will be wondering how you did it. The thing is, persuading your audience is not as hard as you think it is. With proven techniques such as the ones we will discuss below, you can also learn the power of persuasion, which can greatly help you in convincing your audience with every presentation you make. Here are tips on how to persuade your audience during a presentation.

How to Persuade Your Audience During a Presentation

Whether you’re presenting an investor’s pitch, a business proposal or introducing your new big idea, knowing these tips to persuade your audience during a presentation can definitely help you.

Put Your Audience First

You can convince your audience if they believe that you are on their side. So whether you’re introducing a new idea or trying to make people get on your side, you have to be able to reach out to your audience and pull them into your message. You also have to take them to your side of the fence so they can see your perspective clearly. You can only do this by knowing your audience, what they want, and appealing to that.

Therefore, you have to put your audience first. Even if you are telling your story, you have to think about how your story relates to them. What are they going to learn? What benefits can they get? These are the questions that you have to answer in your presentation.

Be Prepared

To start your presentation and speech, you have to steer clear of all distractions, even if it means turning off your computer. You have to clear your mind and focus on what your message or big idea is. From here, you can add details and topics. However, it’s important that you keep the big picture in sight.

For this, you can use many different kinds of preparation and brainstorming methods. You can also organize your ideas in different ways, using techniques that are most comfortable and effective to you.

Build Your Narrative

Have a robust and cohesive narrative. It helps to have a solid structure where you can base your whole presentation from. However, be sure not to be too rigid and predictable with your presentation structure. Keep it flexible and flowing, so your audience will not spot it, but only get a sense that your presentation is put together well.

You can make your speech interesting, for example, by employing unexpected tactics and narrative techniques in your speech. Instead of getting her on into your topic, for example, you can start with a big, bold, attention-grabbing image. You can also use video clips, anecdotes, or even an intriguing question. While these may seem unconventional, the important thing is you keep sticking to the narrative.

Start with a Bang

Put all the stops right at the beginning of your presentation. This gives them a good impression about you and will likely pay more attention to what you have to say. Be straightforward and don’t waste time on back stories or irrelevant details. You can be more persuasive when you are direct.

Keep Your Key Message

Think about the takeaways you want your audience to get. What do you want them to learn about your presentation? What do you want them to remember? While structure and details are important, you have to remember not to lose sight of your key message.

When you’re on stage, it’s easy to be distracted or to get lost in all the information and the things you want to say. You may even fumble around to express what you really want to say. By keeping in mind your key message and sticking to your theme, your audience will know that you mean business. Having a clear message packaged in a concise way also makes it look that you are confident. Also, you can successfully convey this clear message to your audience.

Take out the Unnecessary

Like with your presentation, you have to take out distractions and anything that doesn’t point to or support your message. This keeps your presentation concise and focused. After all, you don’t have to lengthen your presentation just for the sake of it. The reality is, the shorter yet informative it is, the better. Always remember that what is included in your presentation must be there for a good reason. Therefore, take out the unnecessary fillers.

Bring About Change

In order to persuade your audience, you have to introduce change into the presentation. You have to show that your message can change your audience or bring about positive change for them. They have to know that they will benefit from listening to you. Also, you have to show that whatever you’re selling them is going to change them, in one way or another. You have to believe it, so you can convert your audience to your ideas or your point of view.

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