Installing Microsoft Office 2010 Language Pack English

Last updated on April 29th, 2024

You can change the default Office language to any other language available as a LIP (or language pack). The process to install language pack is easy. You just need to purchase or download the language pack (see here for more information about translating your Office) and then run the installer. To learn more about how to change the default Office language you can read our related article.

Installing Microsoft Office Language Pack 2010 English
Installing Office 2010 Language Pack

Choose the desired option, ie Microsoft Office Language Pack 2010 – English and then submit Continue.

Installing Microsoft Office Language Pack 2010 English

Then click Install Now. Then wait until the process ends.

Installing Microsoft Office Language Pack 2010 English

Finally click Close button and then you are ready to open your Office application using the new language.

Installing Microsoft Office Language Pack 2010 English

In this case we opened Microsoft PowerPoint and we can see it is now translated to English.

PowerPoint Blank presentation

This tutorial explains how to install the English version of Microsoft Office 2010 Language Pack. You can install any other different language rather than English or your default language, and at the same time keep both languages. Then you can easily change the language in PowerPoint.