Free Video PowerPoint Template
Free video background design with vertically aligned colored stripes in varying shades
Free Video PowerPoint template is a great video background for PowerPoint presentations that can be really helpful for anyone needing to create a video in PowerPoint or entertainment presentations.
This video background with vertical stripes template can be used by media agencies like animation factories or digital design agencies working for large advertising networks or agencies around the world.
The PowerPoint background consists of vertically aligned colored stripes in varying shades, including blue, green, red, gray, and orange. Centrally located towards the bottom is the text Presentation Title in bold, indicating the title or subject of the presentation. In the bottom right corner is a text placeholder so the presenter can enter his company and professional details. The slide has a minimalist design, and this video PPT template was inspired by the Vimeo logo but recreated using Photoshop to generate a new agency art animation background. It is useful if you are looking for free PowerPoint presentations for your organization.
PPT Size: 96.8 KB | Downloads: 46,327