Remote Presenter for Android

Presenter is an application available in the Android Market that let you control your presentations using a remote control in your Android smartphone. The applications uses the Bluetooth capabilities in your smartphone to control your presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint .ppt or even Keynote or PDF files. Here is the complete list of features for this …

Using PowerPoint to create logic models

In PowerPoint you can create logic models by using logic connectors and functions, digital electronics represent signals by discrete bands of analog levels, rather than by a continuous range. Creating logical design for use in evaluations is a common activity for many digital design companies, engineering Universities and electronics enthusiasts, also digital design applications for logic synthesis …

How to create a mirror effect in PowerPoint

We can create mirror effect to illustrate a specific situation or just to add a nice style to our PowerPoint presentations. Mirrors in PowerPoint can also be used for comparison, if we need to place two different topics or objects in front of other. Here we will show you how to create a mirror effect …