Terms of Use
You warrant that you are of legal age to use this website and to create binding legal obligations for any liability you may incur as a result of the use of this website. You agree that you are responsible for all of your use of the site.
You can use our free templates for:
- If you are an individual and need to create presentations for your own usage, your company, classroom or any other kind of presentation made onsite or in a web conference.
- If you are an employee working for a small, medium, large company and need to create presentations.
- If you are a site or blog owner and want to share your presentation content with other users and readers.
- You can use our templates for any advertising or site promotion as a background.
Ways you can’t use our templates:
- You can’t distribute, reproduce or share our templates without proper authorization.
- You can’t remove any watermark in the presentation without proper authorization. If you need to do this, feel free to contact us and we will authorize.
- You can’t create a website and put the .zip files, distribute or simple share the thumbnails saying that you are the owner.
- You can’t use our templates to send SPAM emails or to do unsolicited email practices.
If you have any question feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any inquiry.
Some artwork available for download in our free templates website are the intellectual property of the copyright and/or trademark holder, and is offered to you as a convenience for lawful use with proper permission from the copyright and/or trademark holder only.
You hereby agree that you agree to our Terms of Use and that the art work you download will be used for non-commercial use without infringing on the rights of the copyright and/or trademark holder and in compliance with the DMCA act of 1998.
Before you use or reproduce this artwork in any manner, you agree to obtain the express permission of the copyright and/or trademark holder. Failure to obtain such permission is a violation of international copyright and trademark laws subject to specific financial and criminal penalties.