AdBlock is Preventing to Download Free Templates
We provide free PowerPoint templates and for obvious reasons our site should be supported somehow. In order to support making all the free designs, our site is monetized by online advertising.
However, we understand that nowadays many people have AdBlock installed on their computers. FPPT won’t work well if AdBlock is enabled for this site. The thumbnail images for each template won’t be displayed and the download button won’t work in most cases.
Even if you are free to choose whether to use AdBlocker or not, we recommend to exclude our site from the blocked list.
Go to AdBlock icon (if you are using Chrome the icon extension will appear in the top right corner). Click it and then click Enabled on this site to change the setting. It should be changed to Disabled on this site. Then, reload the page and browse our free templates. If you have any questions you can contact us for additional support.