Free Cursor Pointer Power Point Template

Free Cursor Pointer PowerPoint Template is a power point presentation suitable for digital presentations, computer and technology related presentations. This can be used as laser pointer pen for PowerPoint like the ControlExtra device included in Blackberry app over Bluetooth. You may use it for the purpose of making a step-by-step tutorial to troubleshoot a problem on a Mac or PC using free templates for PowerPoint.

Download Cursor Point PPT slides with a simple enough theme to run on most presentation tools, such as Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. The master slide has a gray background with a large pointer, that seems to be clicking the text box on the screen. This is a template designed especially for the purpose of illustration or a ‘how to’ presentation on an IT related subject. Explain how to install an app, or how to troubleshoot a particular bug with Technology Security PPT slides and free Arrow Timeline PowerPoint theme.

PPT Size: 1.1 MiB | Downloads: 17,106
