Free Security PowerPoint Template

When it comes to securing sensitive data, the slightest bit of negligence can be costly. Then there are loopholes that can get unexpectedly exploited by malicious sources. This is why many organizations use strict security measures to protect valuable data. If you’re looking for a free security PowerPoint template to talk about topics like cyber …

Free Research And Development PowerPoint Template

Each year companies spend millions of dollars on research and development. R&D is an essential aspect for many businesses around the globe, since it can help develop new products and processes that can be profitable for organizations. Furthermore, R&D can make production more sustainable, and in some cases, more environmentally friendly. The Free Research and …

Free Frankenstein PowerPoint Template

Anyone who thought Frankenstein’s monster was supposed to be intimidating needs to see kids Halloween costumes. Frankenstein’s monster aka Frankenstein as some would call it, is perhaps more funny than scary during Halloween. This fun filled Free Frankenstein PowerPoint Template depicts a cuddly little Frankenstein (monster), holding a jack-o-lantern, with a confused look.