Facial Recognition in PowerPoint

Real Time Face Recognition is used in many industries but also during PowerPoint presentations we can use advanced response monitoring tools to get feedback from people in the crowd. By doing a real time facial recognition we can measure how well or bad we have performed a presentation in a conference or meeting.

Advanced real time face recognition uses complex imaging algorithms, biometry and data mining techniques like cluster and segmentation to identify people in the crowd and analyze different gestures and postures for each individual person. Then, applying other set of algorithms it is possible to take conclusions on how well or bad a presentation was held.

This can be challenging for small and medium companies since usually these systems are quite expensive and may not be suitable in all the cases, but for important presentations using a facial recognition system can bring some interesting outcomes.

Adding the real time capabilities, we can get a timeline with added information about how well was performed a presentation, and this can be very helpful to improve a presentation for the next time. Identify what was wrong, and what was positive for the presentation.

Definitely, facial recognition technology in presentations can be decisive for any serious presentation where it is necessary to get feedback from the audience.