Cutout Artistic Effect PowerPoint Template

You can create your own templates or you can also make use of the ones available for PowerPoint presentations here on our site. Either way, to make your presentations truly stand out, you need to make use of different artistic effects and elements. For a more engaging and interesting presentation, you can use the Cutout Artistic Effect PowerPoint Template that makes use of available effects to add drama to your slides.

Cutout artistic effects PowerPoint templat

Attractive and Dramatic Picture Slide

This template is absolutely free and works on latest PowerPoint versions, although it still has backward compatibility with earlier ones.

This template contains a nature, inspired background, much like a tree-lined landscape, that is subtle and subdued. This is to bring out the cutout artistic effect of the photo being highlighted, which is that of a woman sitting on a wooden bench outdoors. This image, with its cutout effect, immediately catches the eyes of the audience and allows you to create a dramatic effect for your message.

Crop cutout image

Easily Insert Your Own Photo

There is also adequate space for your caption, with its engaging font and readable font size. If your caption is going to be quite lengthy, you can make the font size smaller. However, it is advisable to make your captions or descriptions brief in order to convey your message well and allow you to just verbally elaborate on the slide and therefore interact with the audience.

As for the image, if the preset image is not your style, you can easily change it by inserting your own image and resizing or cropping it to fit the black frame.

Artistic effect

As for the cutout artistic effect, you can just click on the new image and click on the Format menu that appears on the Ribbon. From here, you can go to Artistic Effects and choose Cutout.

Go to Download Cutout Artistic Effect PowerPoint Template

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