Creating Custom Shapes in PowerPoint

PowerPoint has a great collection of shapes that you can freely use in any PowerPoint .ppt presentation. But sometimes these shapes are not enough for our presentations. You may be wondering why there are some nice premium PowerPoint templates that offer great shapes. Well, usually the professional designers create their own custom shapes in PowerPoint with some nice features that you can also access in your MS PowerPoint software.

Shape operations in PowerPoint can be used to create your own shapes by using set operations like combine, union, intersection and subtract.

shape operation powerpoint

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This feature lets you create your own shapes for PowerPoint presentations by grouping other existing shapes. In this video we will show you how to combine slides and subtract to make custom shapes useful for your presentations. The video will use Shape Union, Shape combine, Shape Intersect and Shape Subtract operations, all available in PowerPoint. But before you can access these options you need to enable the set operations in PowerPoint.

Here is an example of custom shapes that you can create for your presentations.

Creating Custom Shapes in PowerPoint

In the article how to create your own Shapes in PowerPoint 2010 you can