Academic Club Budget Template For Excel

If you are involved in extracurricular activities, particularly in school clubs or organizations, you would need to create a club budget for all your activities and organizational needs. Creating a budget for the year would allow you to wisely spend your resources by setting aside specific targets for the things your organization needs. In addition, a yearly budget would also allow you to create realistic plans of activities and events for your organization.


The Academic Club Budget Template for Excel is a great tool that is free and cloud-based, and can help you set a yearly budget for your academic club or organization.

This free template is easily accessible through Office Online and can be saved to your OneDrive. It allows you to easily update and access the template anytime, using any mobile device or computer. What’s more, it’s sharing options also make it so much easier to collaborate with your club members and be on the same page with them.

This budget template features a clean, streamlined design that shows you straight up the Cost of Trip, Revenue, Expenses, and Amount Still Needed by your club. There is also a visual bar that shows you a representation of the needed amount against the Cost of Trip. With this, you can set spending targets as well as create plans for that year’s revenue-generating activities.


A more detailed budget table is preset underneath the header. This has two tables: Yearly Revenue and Yearly Expenses. The Yearly Revenue shows the different ways to earn revenue for the organization, such as Membership Dues, Fundraisers, Donations, and Others. Meanwhile, the Yearly Expenses lists the different expenses of the organization, such as Flyers, Advertising, Decorations, and many more.

Beside each table is a vertical bar graph that shows a representation of the big-ticket items. This shows the highest amounts in terms of revenue and expenses so you can easily see the major points of your budget.

To further customize this template to your own organizational needs and activities, you can simply add more items on the Yearly Revenue and Yearly Expenses lists, and the whole template will automatically update to the changes. Don’t forget to add your Cost of Trip or other financial targets to set your funding or budget goal.

Go to Academic Club Budget Template for Excel


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