
Learn how to configure PowerPoint layouts and download free PowerPoint layouts to use in your presentations. You can learn to use PPT and Microsoft PowerPoint with custom layouts to show your content, including comparison layout, a cover layout or section divider layout.

Last Slide in a PowerPoint Presentation

The last slide in a PowerPoint presentation is not less important than other slides. Moreover, usually, the last slide in a PowerPoint PPT presentation is the slide that remains the most time visible and the one that has more changes to remain in the memories of your audience. What is a Last Slide in a …

How to Choose a PowerPoint Template for Presentations

Choosing a PowerPoint template is essential to crafting an engaging and effective presentation. Your selection can significantly influence your message’s perception, impact your content’s readability, and enhance or diminish audience engagement. This guide will delve into the various facets of selecting an ideal PowerPoint template and offers tips on making the best choice for your …

Comparison Table Layouts in PowerPoint

Comparison Table Layouts in PowerPoint

Sometimes you need to compare data and show this comparison easily to the audience. The final goal will be to have a visualization tool that help the audience to compare and explain what are the difference between two sets of data. PowerPoint comes with a comparison layout that helps you to show a comparison between …