Download Royalty Free Images For Use As PowerPoint Photos At Depositphotos

The need for Royalty free images is ever increasing. Be it a blog where you can get a DMCA notice for using an image without permission or  a PowerPoint Presentation with copyrighted material, getting caught can land you in trouble. Moreover, the plethora of images found across search engines are watermarked, which makes it nearly impossible to incorporate them in professional projects. This is why having an account for downloading Royalty free images can come in handy.

A Collection of Infinite Royalty Free Stock Images

Depositphotos is a website with an endless library of royalty free stock images which you can use for personal or commercial use. What makes Depositphotos interesting is the availability of any type of high quality stock image that can be found by performing a simple search, which unlike many stock image providers, includes thousands of results (if not more). You can also sort the images displayed in the search result by Best Match, Best Sales and Newest First.


Just Enter a Keyword to Access Thousands of Stock Images

The images that show up when you enter a keyword are quite diverse, which means that you are more than likely to find not only an image relevant to the keyword but the type of image you might be looking for. The below screenshot shows a search performed for the keyword ‘Earth’. As you can see from this screenshot, the search result provided images which can be used for a variety of topics, such as for presentations related to the environment, sustainable development, geography, etc. Not to mention the result yielded ‘214,223’ image results.

royalty free stock images at depositphotos

Search for Videos and Vectors

You can also search for images, videos and vectors via the categories listed on the home page. The given categories include Amazing Photos, Fresh Editorial & News Images, Illustrations & Vector Art and HD Videos.

royalty free videos and vectors

Gain Access to Millions of HD Royalty Free Stock Files Today

Depositphotos has three subscription plans, however, the registration is free and gives access to search through as many as 25,058,721 high resolution, royalty free stock images, vectors and videos. The paid packages include a monthly, daily and pay as you go subscription plan that you can opt for according to need.

Go to Depositphotos

depositphotos subscription plan

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About Farshad

IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!

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