
Changing lines in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint you can make simple lines and change the arrow styles by changing the connector type used for the lines. Here we will show you how to change the connector settings and make curved lines in PowerPoint or right lines using an elbow connector. In order to change the line types, we need to …

How to flip a shape in PowerPoint

Sometimes it is needed to rotate a shape but keeping the height and width proportional. Other times we are only interested to flip a shape horizontally or vertically. This helps to create a mirror of a given shape. You can flip shapes using PowerPoint rotation feature. Shapes can be rotated or flipped in the same …

How to edit a shape in PowerPoint 2010

If you want to edit a shape in PowerPoint then you can do it. The reason to edit a shape may vary as well as the applications, however sometimes it is needed to edit a shape in order to create a custom shape. Here we will show you how you can easily edit the shape …

How to create squares in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint you can create perfect squares and circles using shapes. This tutorial will show you how you can create perfect square shapes in PowerPoint as well as true circles. The secret is to use the SHIFT key. Here we will show you. First, start a new presentation or open your PowerPoint template where you …